We worked hard with our UX/UI partner on the app shipping method selection widget and app administrator side user interfaces. The goal was to include new major functionalities to administrator views and improve the overall app user experience.
Now we are ready to release all changes which we were designed during last summer.

Completely new user interface for Parcely admin panel

Parcely app outgrown its old admin user interface because we have been adding so many new functionalities to it. The new look also enables us to work towards the app long-term vision. We plan to integrate many more shipping providers and countries into Parcely in the future and see expect store owners to start managing their shipment documents in app order management view as well.

Here are few screenshots from the new admin

New shipping label management functionality

We are finally releasing one of the biggest and longest waited functionalities. From now store administrators can manage their shipping documents in one place.

We added totally new order management view to Parcely app where you can:

  • Download following pick-up point shipping labels: Omniva, DPD, Smartpost, LP Express, Venipak, Posti and Zasilkovna.
  • Download DPD courier/home delivery shipping labes (we will soon add Omniva and Venipak as well).
  • Mark order as fulfilled which will add tracking number automatically to fulfilment notification email.
  • See trakcing number for each order after successfully exporting order data to service provider. 
  • Choose locker size for LP Express (its mandatory to generate shipping label).
  • See an error message related to shipping label generation besically if someting missing from order or same data is wrong. 

Omniva parcel locker shipping label integration

Previously you could only send order data to Omniva but had to go to Omniva self-service portal to download shipping labels. Now you can download parcel locker shipping method shipping labels in your Shopify store. 

Omniva courier shipping label downloading will be added soon as well. 

Venipak parcel locker orders and shipping label integration

Venipak parcel locker shipping method is now fully integrated. It sends order data to Venipak and saves shipping labels to your store. 

LP EXPRESS parcel locker orders and shipping label integration

LP EXPRESS parcel locker shipping method is now fully integrated. It sends order data to LP EXPRESS and saves shipping labels to your store. 

The only difference is that LP EXPRESS needs you to select a locker size for your shipment before generating a label for it. You can choose locker size in the new Parcely order management view. 

DPD Cash On delivery (COD) for courier and pick-up points shipments

It’s now possible to use COD with DPD locker and courier shipments. Here is a guide that explains how to enable COD in your store.

Two extra shipping method options to Parcely widget

There is now a feature in the app that allows you to add 2 extra options to Parcely shipping method selection widget. These options will let customers pass to checkout without selecting any locker shipping methods. 

This will solve a problem for store owners who offer store pick-up for example. Previously you had to add Courier and store pick-up selection to the same option.


Other smaller new features

  • You can now change countries orders in country selection dropdown with drag&drop.
  • It’s now possible to change pick-up point service provider order for each country with drag&drop.
  • We made it easier to select Vendor(s) who’s products can’t be sent to pick-up points.
  • Translations management got a UX update and is a lot easier to use now.   
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